首页 > 新闻中心天下国际聚焦 外媒:美国考虑封杀阿里?特朗普发布会可没这么说
据星岛新闻集团旗下英文报纸The Standard 8月17日报道,在周六的记者会上,美国总统特朗普一句模糊的话被各新闻门户扭曲放大成了一则耸人听闻的头条——“美国正在考虑封杀阿里”。该报道称,“回看一下发布会现场就知道,这些引起轰动的标题并未传达确切的真相。(我们)必须警惕耸人听闻的新闻标题。”
这篇报道为读者还原了发布会现场和“封杀”标题出炉的细节。“特朗普被记者引导性地问及,是否考虑封杀一些其他特定的中国公司,‘比如阿里巴巴’?” (He was asked whether there were other particular Chinese companies - "such as Alibaba" - that he was considering banning.)
“而特朗普的回答显得颇为含糊:‘嗯,我们在考虑其他事项,我们正在这样做。’” (His reply was a rather noncommittal: "Well, we're looking at other things, yes.")
“于是,新闻门户网站马上弹出标题称,特朗普考虑‘封杀’阿里巴巴。(Immediately, headlines flashed across news portals screaming about a probable ban on Alibaba.) ”而实际上,如果看记者会现场的视频,甚至连特朗普是否听到“阿里巴巴”都有待商榷。
特朗普政府封杀TikTok、微信的新闻无疑获得了极大的关注,美国媒体不惜放大蛛丝马迹以博取更多的点击率。但就在各大网站争相弹出耸人听闻的推送后,新闻源头路透社悄悄地修改了标题和稿件内容。(But, sometime later, Reuters updated its headline to say: "Trump says looking at pressuring other Chinese companies after Bytedance".)
The Standard从专业性的角度评价,“这一改动是正确的。这避免了把特朗普没说的词塞进他的嘴里。(That was accurate - and refrained from putting words in Trump's mouth as he himself did not mention Alibaba).”
该报道随后分析称,尽管如今中美关系紧张,但就近日特朗普放宽TikTok的交易期限的行为而言,两国关系并未进一步恶化。 (Overall, China-US relations have been tense but they have not got any worse, in a material sense, since Trump's tough talk on China-owned video-sharing app TikTok.)。
The Standard是星岛新闻集团旗下发行量仅次于《南华早报》的英文报纸。